Email. Send a message.


Feel free to ask questions considering availability and rates. All emails/messages get read. Though due to time restricts it is unfortunately not always possible to answer on non-business related questions. Concept art orders and invoices are carried out by Juergen Rau trough the Austrian company TETRAN GmbH (VAT number 202604y). The designer is contactable during the working process and is working using OS-backups and a special workstation power unit (to avoid losing files during a blackout).

Order concept art

If possible write on the email address or post a message with the contact form below. For urgent or regular conversation you can use Skype or dial directly. The urgent telephone contact time can be adjusted to the client's project needs. Normally it is in Europe UTC 8:00-18:00  ̶- this means from 2:00 till 12:00 in New York time.


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) MSc Juergen Rau
Tokiostrasse 3/1. A-1220 Vienna. Austria, Europe

Phone number and Skype: The telephone number and the skype contact information could be announced via business reply email.