DESIGN IDEAS:Hundreds of other concept works are not included here due to strict privacy concerns in contracts of customer companies. All concepts listed below are originally made mainly by designing 3D CAD/Polygon model objects such as car/spaceship 3D concepts. The resolution size of the illustrations showing the concept is originally 7680x4320 pixels (4 Full-HD monitors in length and height). Click on the images to view them in a gallery (shown here at HD 1280x720 pixels and FHD 1920x1080 pixels resolution). This concepts gallery should include more pictures than in the portfolio gallery (some works from here are listed also once more in the portfolio). 3D CAD and SubD-Poly models are mainly shown here as illustration artworks. The newest concepts are shown first. The works here include such content as photorealistic human and alien characters, creatures, interior and exterior environments, props, day and night moods, production and project works, color comps, covers and posters, similar works as set, concept cars, vehicles, well thought-out spaceships, detailed suits, apocalyptic abandoned places, sexy clothes, UFOs, industrial and ancient buildings, rooms, fantasy conan-style barbarians, mechas, robots etc. CONCEPT WORKS (art selection):Concept Car R21 SchowcaseNr.: "115". File: "0115.2020.12.24.06". Title: "Concept Car R21 Schowcase".Subdivision PBR Concept Car R21 Mesh SubDNr.: "114". File: "0114.2020.12.22.02". Title: "Subdivision PBR Concept Car R21 Mesh"."spaceship-0009-designNr.: "113". File: "0113.2019.04.20.01". Title: "spaceship-0009-design".car-21-design-3d-modelNr.: "112". File: "0112.2019.03.28.01". Title: "car-21-design-3d-model".flying-car-21-flight-takeoffNr.: "111". File: "0111.2019.03.29.01". Title: "flying-car-21-flight-takeoff".3d-interior-design-2Nr.: "110". File: "0109.2019.03.23.01". Title: "3d-interior-design-2".3d-interior-design-1Nr.: "109". File: "0109.2019.03.22.01". Title: "3d-interior-design-1".2d spaceship thumbs 4x 61440x34560 pixels Juergen Rau concept art thumbnailsNr.: "108". File: "0108.2019.03.27.01". Title: "2d spaceship thumbs 4x 61440x34560 pixels".Luxury House Mansion Villa Modern Home Design RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "107". File: "0107.2019.01.11.01". Title: "Luxury House Mansion Villa Modern Home Design". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Car 20. Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "106". File: "0106.2019.01.01.01". Title: "Car 20.". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Car 19. Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "105". File: "0105.2018.10.14.01". Title: "Car 19.". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Greater Powers Skyship Spaceship 3D Model Low Poly Game Ready Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "104". File: "0104.2018.10.09.01. Skyship Spaceship 3D Model Low Poly Game Ready Greater Powers.Greater Powers Pirate Skyport City 3D Thumbnail Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "103". File: "0103.2018.10.08.01. Pirate Skyport City 3D Thumbnail Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Floating Islands Temples 3D Thumbnails Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "102". File: "0102.2018.10.07.01. Floating Islands Temples 3D Thumbnails Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Weapons Sword Mage Staff Models Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "101". File: "0101.2018.10.06.01. Weapons Sword Mage Staff Model Tests Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Weapons Swords Concept Thumbnails Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "100". File: "0100.2018.10.05.01. Weapons Swords Concept Thumbnails Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Skyships Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "99". File: "0099.2018.10.04.01. Skyships Concept Thumbnails Part 3 Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Skyships Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "98". File: "0098.2018.10.03.01. Skyships Concept Thumbnails Part 2 Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Skyships Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "97". File: "0097.2018.10.02.01. Skyships Concept Thumbnails Part 1 Greater Powers Game.Greater Powers Skyship Juergen RAU Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaperNr.: "96". File: "0096.2018.10.01.01. Skyships Illustration Floating Islands Greater Powers Game.Photorealistic spaceships Nr. 8Nr.: "95". File: "0095.2018.09.18.01". Title: "Photorealistic spaceships Nr. 8.". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Photorealistic 3D spaceship 7 LOW POLYNr.: "94". File: "0094.2018.05.05.01". Title: "Photorealistic 3D spaceship 7 LOW POLY". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Photorealistic 3D spaceship 6 LOW POLYNr.: "93". File: "0093.2018.04.01.01". Title: "Photorealistic 3D spaceship 6 LOW POLY". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Photorealistic 3D hard surface car model exterior LOW POLYNr.: "92". File: "0092.2018.03.01.01". Title: "3d concept car R18 Juergen RAU". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.concept car SUV design RAU automotive exteriorNr.: "91". File: "0091.2017.11.12.01". Title: "concept car SUV design RAU automotive exterior". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.concept car 16 design RAU automotive exteriorNr.: "90". File: "0090.2017.05.24.01". Title: "concept car 16 design RAU automotive exterior". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.concept car 15 design RAU automotive exteriorNr.: "89". File: "0089.2017.05.20.01". Title: "concept car 15 design RAU automotive exterior". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.concept car U design RAU automotive exteriorNr.: "88". File: "0088.2017.05.01.01". Title: "concept car U design RAU automotive exterior". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.concept car design RAU automotive exteriorNr.: "87". File: "0087.2017.04.28.01". Title: "concept car design RAU automotive exterior". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.Concept motorcycle design 2 Juergen RAUNr.: "86". File: "0086.2017.02.17.01". Title: "Concept motorcycle design 2". Full HD 1080 x 1920 PC desktop wallpaper.LEO-3 ARMATA tank german panzerNr.: "85". File: "0085.2017.02.05.01". Title: "LEO-3 ARMATA tank german panzer".T-99 ARMATA tank modernisationNr.: "84". File: "0084.2017.01.21.01". Title: "T-99 ARMATA tank MODERNISATION." (click HERE for some reference, analysis and invention info)."ANTI tank KILLER T-15 ARMATANr.: "83". File: "0083.2017.01.19.01". Title: "ANTI tank KILLER T-15 ARMATA."Tank T-99 ARMATA ObjectNr.: "82". File: "0082.2017.01.13.01". Title: "T-99 ARMATA tank. Reconstruction of ITS TRUE turret SIZE." (click HERE for some reference & analysis info)."Cyberpunk Blade Runner Ghost Shell Juergen RauNr.: "81". File: "0081.2016.12.24.01". Title: "The Cyberpunk."Alien Attacker Juergen RauNr.: "80". File: "0080.2016.11.24.01". Title: "Alien Attacker."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "79". File: "0079.2016.05.27.10". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "78". File: "0078.2016.05.27.09". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "77". File: "0077.2016.05.27.08". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "76". File: "0076.2016.05.27.07". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "75". File: "0075.2016.05.27.06". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "74". File: "0074.2016.05.27.05". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "73". File: "0073.2016.05.27.04". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "72". File: "0072.2016.05.27.03". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "71". File: "0071.2016.05.27.02". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."STAR WARS ILM Juergen RauNr.: "70". File: "0070.2016.05.27.01". Title: "STAR WARS ILM Juergen Rau."Space sim spaceship variations.Nr.: "69". File: "0069.2016.07.29.02". Title: "Space sim spaceship variations."THRUST giant mothership spaceship.Nr.: "68". File: "0068.2016.07.29.01". Title: "THRUST giant mothership spaceship."THRUST interceptor fighter spaceship.Nr.: "67". File: "0067.2016.07.12.01". Title: "THRUST interceptor fighter spaceship."ARMORED WARFARE tank 08. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "66". File: "0066.2016.06.16.08". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 08. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 07. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "65". File: "0065.2016.06.16.07". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 07. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 06. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "64". File: "0064.2016.06.16.06". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 06. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 05. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "63". File: "0063.2016.06.16.05". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 05. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 04. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "62". File: "0062.2016.06.16.04". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 04. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 03. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "61". File: "0061.2016.06.16.03". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 03. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 02. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "60". File: "0060.2016.06.16.02". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 02. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."ARMORED WARFARE tank 01. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules.Nr.: "59". File: "0059.2016.06.16.01". Title: "ARMORED WARFARE tank 01. Artwork done strictly folowing the task rules."SPACESHIP GAMEPLAY.Nr.: "58". File: "0058.2016.05.05.01". Title: "SPACESHIP GAMEPLAY."2D ENVIRONMENT journey.Nr.: "57". File: "0057.2016.04.21.03". Title: "2D ENVIRONMENT journey."2D TRANSPORT MECH WALKER CAR journey.Nr.: "56". File: "0056.2016.04.21.02". Title: "2D TRANSPORT MECH WALKER CAR journey."2D CHARACTER journey.Nr.: "55". File: "0055.2016.04.21.01". Title: "2D CHARACTER journey."SPACESHIP LANDING BAY.Nr.: "54". File: "0054.2016.04.19.01". Title: "SPACESHIP LANDING BAY."SPACESHIP RACE sport.Nr.: "53". File: "0053.2016.03.05.01". Title: "SPACESHIP RACE sport."SPACESHIP TEXTURE close view.Nr.: "52". File: "0052.2016.04.11.01". Title: "SPACESHIP TEXTURE close view."Quick character, weapon and props design for a game.Nr.: "51". File: "0051.2016.03.20.01". Title: "Quick character, weapon and props design."SPACESHIP IN SUN corona.Nr.: "50". File: "0050.2016.03.03.01". Title: "SPACESHIP IN SUN corona."UFO. SPACESHIP. GIANT.Nr.: "49". File: "0049.2016.03.01.01". Title: "UFO. SPACESHIP. GIANT."UFO. HAUNEBU. VRIL. THULE. BLACK SUN.Nr.: "48". File: "0048.2016.02.24.01". Title: "UFO. HAUNEBU. VRIL. THULE. BLACK SUN."UFO. IT came FROM NOWHERE.Nr.: "47". File: "0047.2016.01.18.01". Title: "UFO. IT came FROM NOWHERE."UFO spaceship aliens STEALING GIRL.Nr.: "46". File: "0046.2016.01.13.01". Title: "UFO spaceship aliens STEALING GIRL."SPACESHIP with BRIDE.Nr.: "45". File: "0045.2016.01.12.01". Title: "SPACESHIP with BRIDE."Travel into the SUN.Nr.: "44". File: "0044.2016.01.07.01". Title: "Travel into the SUN."FLYING CAR concept design. Fog.Nr.: "43". File: "0043.2015.12.24.01". Title: "FLYING CAR concept design. Fog".STAR WARS SITH girl. Flying CAR. V2. Fanart. The DARK side.Nr.: "42". File: "0042.2015.12.22.02". Title: "STAR WARS SITH girl. Flying CAR. V2. Fanart. The DARK side."STAR WARS SITH girl. Flying CAR. V1. Fanart. The LIGHT force.Nr.: "41". File: "0041.2015.12.22.01". Title: "STAR WARS SITH girl. Flying CAR. V1. Fanart. The LIGHT force."STAR WARS Millenium Falcon REDESIGNNr.: "40". File: "0040.2015.12.11.01". Title: "STAR WARS Millenium Falcon REDESIGN.".Spaceship ufo girlNr.: "39". File: "0039.2015.12.02.01". Title: "Spaceship ufo girl.".Girls relaxing on a spaceshipNr.: "38". File: "0038.2015.11.09.01". Title: "Girls relaxing on a spaceship.".Something strange above the moon. UFO.Nr.: "37". File: "0037.2015.11.09.01". Title: "Something strange above the moon. UFO.".Stealth spaceship UFO flightNr.: "36". File: "0036.2015.11.17.01". Title: "Stealth spaceship UFO flight".Fourteen wheel carNr.: "35". File: "0035.2015.11.09.01". Title: "Fourteen wheel car".Feet steering quad handfreeNr.: "34". File: "0034.2015.11.05.01". Title: "Feet steering quad handfree".M-Car colored. Automotive car design. Concept carNr.: "33". File: "0033.2015.11.01.01". Title: "M-Car colored. Automotive car design. Concept car".Inhouse car chargingNr.: "32". File: "0032.2015.11.02.01". Title: "Inhouse car charging".Car interior. Automotive car design. Concept carNr.: "31". File: "0031.2015.10.28.01". Title: "Car interior. Automotive car design. Concept car".The CAR. Automotive car design. Concept carNr.: "30". File: "0030.2015.10.21.01". Title: "The CAR. Automotive car design. Concept car".Starship landedNr.: "29". File: "0029.2014.12.27.01". Title: "Starship landed".Star Wars Jedi Sith matte paintingNr.: "28". File: "0028.2014.09.05.01". Title: "Star Wars Jedi Sith matte painting."Concept car. Motorcycle (bike steering on two chains like a tank). Spaceship. Costume. 2D.Nr.: "27". File: "0027.2014.11.29.02". Title: "Concept car. Motorcycle (bike steering on two chains like a tank). Spaceship. Costume. 2D."Color comps, moods at day and night, fast speed pen paper sketch, first stepsNr.: "26". File: "0026.2014.11.29.01". Title: "Color comps, moods at day and night, fast speed pen paper sketch, first steps".UFO Vril Haunebu saucer spaceship landsNr.: "25". File: "0025.2014.11.28.01". Title: "UFO vril haunebu saucer spaceship lands".Dragons and the elf girl queen, sci-fi fantasyNr.: "24". File: "0024.2014.11.13.01". Title: "Dragons and the elf girl queen, sci-fi fantasy".Prometheus dreadnaut class spaceship lands, ship REDESIGN, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "23". File: "0023.2014.11.11.01". Title: "Prometheus dreadnaut class spaceship lands, ship REDESIGN, 3D low poly modeling".Prometheus alien attacks, alien REDESIGN, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "22". File: "0022.2014.11.07.01". Title: "Prometheus alien attacks, alien REDESIGN, 3D low poly modeling".Apocalyptic abandoned lost place ZONENr.: "21". File: "0021.2014.09.05.01". Title: "Apocalyptic abandoned lost place ZONE".Ancient barbarian ConanNr.: "20". File: "0020.2014.10.25.01". Title: "Ancient barbarian Conan".Epic alien road in giant forestNr.: "19". File: "0019.2014.10.16.01". Title: "Epic alien road in giant forest".Apocalyptic abandoned lost tunnelNr.: "18". File: "0018.2014.10.06.01". Title: "Apocalyptic abandoned lost tunnel".Artificial 3D and real 2D plants, cute creature design.Nr.: "17". File: "0017.2014.10.05.01". Title: "Artificial 3D and real 2D plants, cute creature design."Epic mechanical city meats mecha vehicleNr.: "16". File: "0016.2014.10.01.01". Title: "Epic mechanical city meats mecha vehicle".Epic ancient wood city exteriorNr.: "15". File: "0015.2014.09.23.01". Title: "Epic ancient wood city exterior".Futuristic warrior space suitNr.: "14". File: "0014.2014.08.31.01". Title: "Futuristic warrior space suit".Promo poster with alien 3d planet high-end coverNr.: "13". File: "0013.2014.08.29.01". Title: "Promo poster with alien 3d planet high-end cover".Exterior space city matte, light and darkNr.: "12". File: "0012.2014.08.22.01". Title: "Exterior space city matte, light and dark".Alien queen and mechanical girlsNr.: "11". File: "0011.2014.07.24.01". Title: "Alien queen and mechanical girls".Interior environment cockpit roomNr.: "10". File: "0010.2014.06.16.02". Title: "Interior environment cockpit room".The Alien Warrior, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "09". File: "0009.2014.06.05.01". Title: "The Alien Warrior, 3D low poly modeling".Telepathic horror creature, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "08". File: "0008.2014.06.02.01". Title: "Telepathic horror creature, 3D low poly modeling".Land bug monster insect, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "07". File: "0007.2014.05.26.01". Title: "Land bug monster insect, 3D low poly modeling".3D concept car R2 design, low poly, 3d HARD SURFACE modelingNr.: "06". File: "0006.2014.05.15.02". Title: "3D concept car R2 design, low poly, 3d HARD SURFACE modeling".Concept car design R1, low poly, 3d HARD SURFACE modelingNr.: "05". File: "0005.2014.05.15.01". Title: "Concept car design R1, low poly, 3d HARD SURFACE modeling".Wingspan machine vehicle shipNr.: "04". File: "0004.2014.10.17.01". Title: "Wingspan machine vehicle ship".Alien spaceship, 3D ship, low poly, HARD SURFACE MODELINGNr.: "03". File: "0003.2014.04.12.03". Title: "Alien spaceship, 3D ship, low poly, HARD SURFACE MODELING".Alien tripod monster, 3D low poly modelingNr.: "02". File: "0002.2014.01.27.02". Title: "Alien tripod monster, 3D low poly modeling".Tornado airshipNr.: "01". File: "0001.2014.01.28.01". Title: "Tornado airship".Older concept art has been removed from this page. |